Mom’s computer didn’t work. The symptoms clearly pointed to the button cell battery. I replaced the battery and did a quick test. Done! – Not. If the problem isn’t the battery, it has to be the motherboard. The rather expensive motherboard. I started look for a new computer. I saw that Dell was having its semiannual sale. Usually, they take 10% or 20% off on selected computers. This time, it was $1300 off of a business-class laptop that was very nicely configured. I couldn’t believe it. Over 60% off. The new computer should be in this week. Mom will have the best computer in the family at an extremely attractive price.
Mom had a bout of high blood pressure. She ended up in the hospital for several hours. It was late at night when they released her, so they got her an Uber. Charlestown has the logistics for hospitalizations down pat. They could install a monorail from Charlestown to St. Agnes and make very good use of it indeed.
Our neighborhood had a big shindig for the construction crew. They’ve been working on our buildings for the last three years. They’ll be finishing up in a few weeks. We had very good BBQ (four meet choices), hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, baked beans, mac & cheese. In case that wasn’t enough, several people brought deserts. Danita found a box mix of brownies for sale at $1.25. They were fancy brownies with a sweet topping. They disappeared quickly.