We had an exciting week. Elizabeth, Suzanne, and Addie came for a week of cooking challenges. Elizabeth took an early flight Monday morning, up from North Carolina. The excitement started before we left the airport. Her suitcase didn’t show up. The plane she arrived on was going on to San Juan, so we know her clothes traveled to some exotic locals. Southwest was pretty good about it. The offered a $200 voucher. The suitcase arrived Tuesday morning, and Liz got some new clothes. Suzanne and Addie joined Monday afternoon.
Danita wrote cooking challenges, and the ladies were up to it. Each day had a different theme. The ladies had to prepare balanced meals. (Although one day onions were billed as a vegetable.) Each day they selected recipes, went to the store to purchase ingredients, and turn the ingredients into delicious food. And delicious it was. One day the theme was a cuisine from a country. The ladies picked France. We had French bread with goat cheese, mixed berries, quiche, and for desert, salted butter caramel chocolate mousse with whipped cream and caramel bits topping. The pictures of the mousse did not come out, which is a real bummer because it was a really great desert. Here’s one pic. There are more on the web site.

Addie and Suzanne went home Thursday afternoon. Friday Kathryn made a luncheon, which we shared with Mom. Unfortunately, Mom’s doctor called and asked us to arrive early, so I didn’t get pics. But Elizabeth, working solo, made a wonderful lunch.
All good things must come to an end. Early tomorrow morning Elizabeth will fly home. The cooking challenges have been met. But closing one door allows us to open another. Stay tuned …
I hope this finds everybody doing well.