Fun Times

We’ve had quite a bit of fun. I had lunch with Tony. We are giving up on First Watch. It’s so noisy we literally can’t hear each other. We’re going to try Panera next month. We also had a food truck dinner with the Jones, which is fun. Unfortunately, they both came down with Covid. They think they know when they were infected, and we definitely know when we had dinner, and we don’t think they were contagious. Plus neither of us has symptoms. But we’ll be extra cautious for a few more days. For even more fun, we had a grandkids day at the pool Saturday. The weather was perfect. To attract grandkids, we had an Italian ice / soft serve ice cream truck. We don’t have any grandkids visiting us, so we just stayed young at heart while enjoying the treats.

For super duper fun, I started to add some features to our Residents database. I worked Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday was a lot of fun. I had to re-learn lots of cool things that I had forgotten. It took me a day to do an hour’s work, but I had fun going through it. Today was more frustrating, because I became my own enemy. But I finally got everything working pretty well. I have a lot more to do. I look forward to lots more computer fun.

Mom’s been having brief power outages. Every time it happens, her caption phone stops displaying captions. Erickson came out with a “fix that” box. They came over to set everything up, and wa-da-ya-no, it didn’t work. And guess what, Mom had another short power failure. Getting the captions to work again is way harder than it should be. Hopefully we’ll get this ironed out soon.

That’s it for the Columbia contingent. I hope this finds everybody doing well.

Party party

Wednesday, we were planning a Mexican food truck dinner with the Jones, but the food truck didn’t show up. Undaunted, we got Mexican food from a local restaurant and partied anyway. Friday we had a neighborhood hamburger party. Today we’re going to our meet and greet for our HOA. Busy busy. We’re enjoying some very nice weather, which should continue for most of this week. It’s great for cycling.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.