I kind of petered out and didn’t blog about our last day in Greece. We had a great time, saw a lot of very cool stuff, and had a long but uneventful trip home.
The following weekend Julia, Pat, and the kids came to visit us. It was nice that they came up. We had a good time.
This is the weekend we have 3 neighborhood parties. Friday was a hamburgers on the grill and pot-luck sides. Saturday was the volunteer dinner. Tonight we have a Bluegrass concert. Danita’s sister is Lynn. Lynn’s mother-in-law, Jean Rosser, died recently. Her funeral was Saturday. They had a very nice luncheon afterwards. So we’ve been out and about quite a bit.
I’m still not caught up on all the stuff I have to do after having been away from home so long, but I’m getting close. Today I cleaned the garage. It’s quite warm out, and the forecast is for the temperature to drop over 10 degrees.
I have an alarm that calls me when the sump pump level gets too high. While we were in South Dakota, it started calling every 15 minutes. I had to ask my neighbor to unplug the alarm. I need a new alarm, and decided to go with smart home stuff. I bought a Samsung SmartThings hub and a device to monitor the status of the float switch. So far, I got it to send me one text message. There’s quite a bit more to do, but at least all the hardware works.
I have to go. I need a shower before we go to the concert. I hope this finds everybody doing well.