My new trike has been at the bike shop for several weeks. It got held up because the manufacturer left a bag of parts out of the box. Then they shipped the parts USPS. It took over two weeks for the parts to arrive. I consider myself lucky to get the parts so “fast”. The trike is a fun ride, but I’m even slower on the trike than I am on the bike. That’s OK. I’m retired, and have time to ride the trike. Before today, I was staying close enough that I could walk home if necessary. I ordered some bike stuff that came in today. That lets me carry water, tools, etc. Now if I get a flat, I can fix it and ride home. I took my first real ride today. It was a 14 mile circular route with moderate hills. Everything worked just fine.
I’m also still working on my budget database. I’m finding and fixing little bugs and adding features. It’s a tremendous amount of fun. I forgot how much I enjoy doing software development. If I tried doing it for pay, I would be fired within a week. I’m that slow. But I chug along, get things done, and have a very good time doing it.
That’s the news. I hope this finds everybody doing well.