The Hittites built the first empire with written records in this area, the next empire was built by the Pergamenes, and the Pergamenes built the city of Hierapolis. (Pay attention, there might be a test.) Hierapolis has underground limestone caves that supply water to springs in the area. Because the cave water is warmed by the Earth, it is believed to have curative powers. Because the water is high in Calcium Chloride, white deposits cover thee area. The white deposi8ts are basically the same as stalagmites and stalactites in a cave.
Besides having curative powers and offering a staggering view, Hierapolis was easily accessible to three more empires in addition to the Pergamenes. (Sorry, I didn’t keep up with all the details. I cancel the test to avoid embarrassing myself.) The city quickly became the pleasure center for all four empires. They are the only city in the area with not one but two theaters. They had plenty of opportunities to get drunk, gamble, take baths, and visit brothels.
Today, countless tourists walked through oppressive sun and heat to wet their feet in the stream, or swim in the pool,which still provides healing to countless sick people sharing their germs and viruses with each other. Danita decided to walk in the stream. Here’s a pic of the stream.