We’ve been having an unusually rich and long fall foliage season. It will soon come to an and. But for now, Danita and I are enjoying the season’s last hurrah.
In the last week or two, we’ve had vaccines for Hep A, Hep B, flue, and Covid. Plus we will have one more Hep shot in the spring. Is that enough shots? Of course not. We both got the new RSV vaccine this week. We went to the CVS and jumped to the head of the line. That’s the advantage of making an appointment and following the check-in instructions. Yea.
Tuesday, Ed & Lynne and Rick & Suzy joined us for a sour beef dinner. Danita did her normal wonderful job of cooking. We enjoyed an evening of relaxed conversation. Plus Danita & I get an additional two sour beef dinners from the leftovers. One of the nice side effects of sour beef is having leftover ginger snaps. We always get some port wine cheese to have some very tasty snacks. Snacking is on hold because the ginger snaps were gone before the port wine cheese. We’ll solve that little problem by getting more ginger snaps.
Wednesday, we had a food truck dinner with the Jonses. Saturday Danita went to a neighborhood Veteran’s Day lunch while I was riding my bike. Somewhere between all of the above and the bike rides, I was able to clean the garage in wonderful 70 degree weather.
Every 4th Sunday, I go to our church as the 9:00 service is ending to help count the donations. I usually get home between Noon and 1. This time the bishop was talking during the 9:00, so the service got out late. Plus the Thanksgiving food boxes were due. That’s important because every box includes a $25.00 check, and we have to look up the parish registry number for each one of those checks. It’s a tedious job. I said I would be happy to do it. 30 seconds later I said, “Did you notice how effectively I lied?” That was good for a chuckle. At the end of the count, we were off by one $25 check. We look for but couldn’t find the error. At the end of the count, we were leaving after 2. We were all a little stressed.
That’s it for this week. I hope this finds everybody doing well.