Danita and I are excited and pleased to hear that Mark and Jiajia are engaged. We wish them the best and look forward to the wedding.
We only had one party this weekend. It was the last Chill ‘n Grill for the season. (AKA hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill). After dinner we had a trivia game. It was a little slow. It took 90 minutes to get through 20 questions. But it was fun. One of the men at our table put his phone is “answer a question” mode and held it out so it could provide the answer as a joke. The phone heard and understood the question, and provided the answer. He made a big show of trying to muffle the phone, but he didn’t do the most obvious thing of turning it off. This guy is super competitive. Was it a joke or was he putting on a show so he wasn’t accused of cheating? I don’t know for sure, but I did her the phone give the correct answer. It didn’t make any difference. Our table wasn’t going to win in any event.
Saturday morning we had already completed all of our weekend entertainment. So we decided to go to hear the Columbia Symphony Orchestra perform their “Russian Dreams” concert. The first piece was contemporary classical, which I generally don’t like. But last night I was pleasantly surprised. Sofia Gubaidulina’s “Concerto for Orchestra and Jazz Band ” was definitely very contemporary, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. This afternoon we’re going to the community college to see a play titled ” Mr. Burns”.
We don’t have much other news this week. I hope this finds everybody doing well.