A Second Super Sunday

I am writing this on Sunday, 3/9. There are 2 pics.

I offered a seminar on computer security Friday. It went well. I had a dozen attendees. I’m offering a second session tomorrow evening at 6, for the folks who work during the day.

Heart Shaped Bamboo

Heart Shaped Bamboo

We had a second super Sunday this week. The switch to Daylight Savings Time puts us an hour ahead of many other people. That’s good because we like to go to Miss Shirley’s once in a while. We think it’s the premier breakfast restaurant in the Baltimore area. A lot of people agree with us, which makes it a pretty crowded place. But this is one week of the year where we’re an hour ahead of many other folks, and we can enjoy a nice, uncrowded, leisurely breakfast. This evening, we went to circle. The Sochureks hosted dinner for circle. When we arrived, we were surprised to find out it was in honor of our 40th anniversary. The dinner was quite good. The Baumans gave us a heart-shaped bamboo plant and a totally amazing chocolate cake. The Bertches gave us some beautiful roses and a card that Mike made by hand.


Roses from Mike and Rose

Things have been breaking with great regularity lately. The front fender broke on my bike. A replacement is on order. Two of my bike lights stopped working — one on the back, and one on the front. I spent quite a bit of time looking for good replacements. I ordered what I think will be very good lights, but they need to charge from a USB power source. I decided to mount a new shelf near the bike and string a power cord across the garage so I can plug the bike into the charger when I get home from a ride. It was a fun little project. I had enough spare stuff that the cost was nearly nothing. While I was out getting the few little things I needed, I also got 6 9-volt batteries and 6 AA batteries so I could change the batteries in all or smoke detectors and CO detectors.

One of the toilets stopped working. That leaves us with 3 working toilets — one on each floor. My idea was to just close off that bathroom and use the other toilets in the house. Danita was not amused. So I spent much more time examining toilet innards. I found a cool kit that lets standard toilets have two flushes (half flush for most of the time and a full flush for solids.) That’s on order and should arrive soon.

When I was parking in front of the Sochureks, I hit the curb and blew out a tire. Who would have guessed — I’m the only person in circle who can change a tire. I’ll be getting that tire fixed right away, because next weekend we are going to NC to visit the kids and grand-kids. It should be a lot of fun, and we just might have some pictures for the next post.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

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