This week has been a little more active than usual. I visited Mom twice — once to get her MD ID and once for an off-campus doctor appointment. Tomorrow I go back to meet a Riderwood IT person about the very slow internet in Mom’s apartment. Bud was exposed to COVID. He’s half way through a one week quarantine. So far, so good. We had the “Greek on the Street” food truck yesterday. That food is too good for our health. ;-) The monthly condo meeting lasted an extra hour. For some reason, there were several protracted complaints about things that were decided months ago. I was amazed at the personal details people will talk about in a public meeting. Next month the board will present the 2022 budget. I can’t imagine how that will go. The biggest excitement is just ahead. I’m leaving soon to help count the collection at our church. We have a brand new procedure. Nobody knows exactly what the new procedure is, but it promises to be complicated and confusing. I told Danita I expect to be home in time for dinner. ;-)
I hope this finds everybody doing well.