The ants are gone! Woo-hoo.
Celebrations aren’t the same these days. Danita got herself takeout Chinese for lunch today. And something yummy from the bakery for after dinner tonight. She didn’t want a take-out dinner. She’ll be going over to the pool today to spend an hour checking that folks entering have their super-secret wrist band. Happy Birthday Danita.
I’m still playing around with computers in our clubhouse. Hopefully I’ll be done next weekend.
As most of you know, we have a deck in the back of the house, and a porch below the deck. In 2012 we turned our deck into a roof. When it rains, I can sit on the porch and supervise the rain. As part of the project, we put a super fancy floor on the deck so it never has to be painted again. Now the condo is repairing water damage to the houses. The question was, will they have to tear up the deck to repair water damage on our house, and if so who will pay for replacement? The engineer our condo contracted with visited our house this week. They won’t have to tear up the deck. That makes everything very easy. Our doors to the deck have water damage, so we will be replacing those. We had a choice of wood or fiberglass doors. We chose fiberglass. They’ll be plenty good enough for the time we’ll be in the house. Consumer Reports actually rated the Pella fiberglass as more waterproof than the wood. And they’re quite a bit cheaper. We could have had our doors “repaired” at no cost. But that would only ensure they don’t leak water. The damage to the door would still be there. And since we are spending no money traveling and precious little on birthday parties, we won’t have problems paying for new doors.
We were supposed to take Bud to the doctor Tuesday. During the tropical storm. It takes several minutes to transfer Bud between the wheel chair and the car. There is no under-cover parking at this doctor. The doctor was very kind and postponed the visit to next week with no penalty.
That’s it for this week. I hope this finds everybody doing well.