There are no pics this week.
We’re firmly in the swing of things back home. Last weekend, we had a neighborhood party and a BSO concert. This weekend, we had Circle and the “Parkton Open” at Ed’s. Today is a holiday, and we’re going to use it mostly relaxing. I have Men’s club this morning. (We generally solve the world’s problems. By the next week, there’s a hole new set and we have to meet again.) I’ll follow that with a ride. I’m building up, gradually making my rides longer. I’m considering a bike trip this fall. Danita will spend some time at the pool.
I started a neighborhood router workshop. I’m running two sets of sessions — one during the day and a second set in the evening. The first session described the basics of Internet Protocol. The second, which I will do this week, goes into the router settings. It shows how to see what’s connected and how to make basic settings. After that, we’ll go over some “advanced” topics. The first session went pretty well.
Both Danita and I saw the dentist last week. By coincidence, we both had Wednesday morning appointments. The world is definitely not fair. I went in as Danita was coming out. As usual, Danita got a great checkup. As usual, I was offered additional tips for cleaning my teeth better. They suggested I try using a sonic toothbrush. I have it, and it’s certainly different. I’m supposed to divide my mouth into 4 quadrants, brushing each as indicated by beeps emitted by the brush. So far, it mostly makes a fair-sized mess.
I’m off to solve the world’s problems. I hope this finds everybody doing well.