Travel Plans

We’re leaving for a month of travel. The itinerary is at the bottom of this message. Here’s how to get hold of us. THIS I S NEW. THIS IS NEW. THIS IS NEW.

The easiest way to get in touch is to send an Email. We purchased the Email plan on the ship. We will have access to Email every day. If you want to call, feel free. If our phones ring, we’ll answer. If we’re outside the US, phone calls are very cheap for us and free for you. If we don’t pick up (maybe we’re at sea and mobile phones don’t work), leave a voice mail. We’ll get the voice mail delivered to our Email. This is what’s weird. If we are outside the US and you want us to answer the phone, call Danita’s number. Her number will ring both of our cell phones.

Dennis: 410-417-8854.

Danita: 410-709-8854. This number receives calls except when we are at sea. When we are outside the US, this number rings both of our cell phones.

It’s been a good week and a good weekend. We’ve had plenty of time to get ready for our trip. The weather hasn’t permitted any drone flying, but I was able to get out almost every day, had several bike rides, and should be able to fly the drone a couple of days before we leave. We had a neighborhood party last night. The menu was soup and salad. The company was great. We have a neighborhood Valentine’s concert tomorrow. Tuesday, we’ll go out to eat with our neighbors the Jones.

It’s a good thing I started getting ready early, because the phones took several days to set up. My goal was to have our phones work normally the entire trip. That didn’t work out. Our phones are virtual numbers at Google Voice. That’s how we get voice mail delivered by Email. We forward the Google Voice numbers to whatever real phone numbers we happen to be using. I set my phone up with Google Fi, because that offers a very reasonable price for international phone and data. But I can’t forward a Google Voice number to a Google Fi number. In addition, setting up Google Fi while keeping my Google Voice number was a royal pain in the butt. I had to chat with tech support to get it working. I got a traveler’s international SIM card for Danita from a company in Estonia with voice but no data. The company offers a decent base price and a good price for voice, but the data is expensive. All together, it turned out to be a reasonable solution with just a little weirdness. But it took me several days to work through the unexpected limitations and find a decent solution. Most importantly, Danita and I can call each other if we get separated, and my phone will have data in case we need a mobile GPS to find our way back to the ship.

Here’s our itenerary:

2/19 – Fly to West Palm Beach
2/20 – 2/23 – Visit with Mom
2/24 – 3/11 – Cruise through the Panama Canal to San Diego
3/12 – 3/17 – Tool around California
3/18 – Fly home
3/19 – 3/20 – Four medical appointments (between me, Danita, and Bud) and a neighborhood party

An Unexpected Benefit

It was a nice week. We watched the Superbowl commercials. We even watched the game. We had the usual assortment of foods. Our “ace” this year was rootbeer floats with rootbeer float flavored ice cream. I had my semi-annual checkup. Apparently I’m still alive. There were no neighborhood parties this week, so we went to a Shriver Hall concert held at the BMA. (The world does tend to get a little confusing at times.) We heard a flute recital. To be truthful, I didn’t enjoy the concert all that much. But it was interesting. My take-away was how hard it is to be a musician. The flutist and the pianist were both world-class musicians. The flutist was the principal flutist at the York Symphony Orchestra. The pianist was a piano teacher. If they don’t qualify for food assistance, they’ve got to be close to that line.

We had some heavy rain followed by high winds (gusts well over 30 MPH). Fortunately, we didn’t get the tornadoes and sever weather some areas west and north of Baltimore got. I went for a 3-mile walk on a paved trail after the rain stopped but during the high winds. I saw a tree fall in the woods. I was surprised how quickly it all happened. I got a good appreciation for how people can get hit by falling trees.

My success in drone flying has been less than astonishing. One of the problems I have is knowing which way the drone is pointing. When it’s a couple of hundred feet away, all I can see is a black blob. I can tell it to go forward, but where that takes the drone depends on which way it is facing. A gust of wind can temporarily affect its direction, and if it’s facing towards or away from me, I can’t always tell which way its moving. Even if it’s flying to the side, by the time I figure out where its going, make a correction, observe the drone and note that I turned the drone the wrong way, and make the opposite correction, the drone has moved a lot. And many times, I’m in trouble. I got some acrylic paint and painted the bottom of the drone. The left half is red, the right half yellow. It was a big help, but not as big as I expected. However, when I managed to fly it into the woods, the bright colors made it much easier to find. We’re expecting to have some more rain this week. That will give me time to paint the top of the drone also. Just in case it crashes upside-right.

Our big news is our upcoming trip. We’re flying to West Palm Beach Wednesday the 19th. We’ll spend some time with Mom, then sail to San Diego via the Panama Canal. This is a week of getting prescriptions filled, clothes packed, and other last minute preparations — including hopefully a much easier way to contact us. Thanks to Google’s Fi phone service, we expect to be able to call the US for pennies a minute. We’ll know for sure by the end of the week.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

First Time Ever

It’s another quiet week. The community super bowl party was cancelled for lack of interest. We weren’t planning to go anyway. It’s more fun to eat junk and watch the commercials at home. I guess most of our neighbors agree with us. Tomorrow we’re going to a play called “The Burn”, about how the internet can be used as an on-line witch hunt.

Danita’s arthritis medicine is helping her quite a bit. Unfortunately, it will take her a long time to taper off the Prednisone.

Our trash pickup usually happens early in the afternoon. Usually Danita leaves to visit her Dad about 9:30 on Wednesday. I wheel the trash can out while she has the garage door open. This week, I heard the trash truck early in the morning. I quick grabbed the two biggest bags of trash and ran outside. The trash truck just passed our house and was rolling down the street. This was the first time I ever threw my trash directly into the trash truck. Exciting times at Snowden Overlook!

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

First Flight

It’s been a good week. We started with a visit with Mark and JiaJia. Ed and Lynne joined us for lunch Sunday, then had a quick tour of the town and campus. Ed and Lynne went home. Danita and I spent the rest of the day in Lewisburg and headed back after a bang-up breakfast Monday morning. The food and camaraderie were wonderful. Mark and JiaJia have a very nice house.

Dennis, JiaJia, Mark, Danita, Lynne, Ed

We had two Chinese dinner parties — one with our condo on Thursday and one with our neighborhood on Saturday. Thankfully, Danita agreed that one Chinese dinner a week is enough. We went to the neighborhood party. They had shrimp, rice, and egg rolls. They had other stuff too, but that was enough to fill my belly. The shrimp were quite good. After dinner, we had cake and ice cream for desert.

I found that my drone fits in a bike pannier bag like a glove. I took my drone with me on a ride and stopped at a local park. One of the soccer fields was unused. I went to the center of the field and flew for 20 minutes or so. The drone is stable and easy to fly. I even got a second flight at a second location. It’s an easy walk from home, just off one of Columbia’s trails. It’s not nearly as big as a soccer field, but it’s ample.

First Flight

I’ve only had one crash. The controller has these multi-use buttons. One is the flight button. If the drone is on the ground, the flight button makes it take off, get to an altitude of about 4 feet, and hover. Pretty neat. Press the button again, and the drone safely and gently lands. Amazing. Hold the button too long and it becomes an emergency stop button. I dropped it from about 6 feet onto dirt. Funny thing about drones — when the propellers stop, it falls like a brick. There was no damage. I recon’ myself more successful than the Wright Brothers. Woo-Hoo! Now all I need are dry, reasonably warm days when school is in session. Adults are sensible enough to leave me alone when I’m flying. Who knows what a parcel bored of kids would do should if they came across me.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

Second Flight

Feeling Lazy, Getting Lucky

I went to Amazon and made a purchase this week. This is noteworthy because the purchase was a rake. We live in a neighborhood where lawn service is included. They did their job. Twice. But the leaves weren’t all down when they finished the second time. I decided I didn’t care. Then I noticed we were tracking a lot of crushed leaves into the house. So I went to the local big-box hardware stores. I wanted a rake that would fold up small, so I could fit it in the garage. I would also “go small” to get around all the bushes and get into the corners.The stores didn’t have one. It took less than an hour to do the leaves. I filled one 55-gallon bag. It’s a far cry from what I used to do in Kingsville. And I’m now ready for next year.

My bike needed new brakes. I have disk brakes. New pads cost about $2 / wheel. Installing them is tricky. The labor cost to have them installed is pretty large. I could take this as an opportunity to learn a new skill, or I could be lazy and let the shop do it. I thought about it carefully for several seconds before putting the bike rack on the car. I’m glad I took it to the shop. My rear wheel rim had cracks where the spokes go through. It never happened to me before because I used to ride a touring bike, which is basically a 2-wheeled tank. I wouldn’t have noticed this until I lost a spoke. (The picture is obvious, but with normal dirt and grime, it is difficult to see.) Lucky me! The shop fixed everything on a rainy day. I was on the road before all the pavement was dry.

Danita had a genuinely yucky day this week. She had PMR arthritis. The treatment is to sledgehammer your body with prednisone, then slowly taper off while your adrenal gland re-learns what it’s supposed to do. Danita was on the last step of tapering off when she started having problems. The doc said to go back on the prednisone. Two weeks and a blood test later, the doc said her PMR arthritis had probably morphed into rheumatoid arthritis. This happens to about 1/3 of PMR patients. No cure. New drugs. And she has to taper off prednisone again. We’re grateful it’s not life threatening. But it was a serious bummer.

Our neighborhood doesn’t have any parties this weekend. But we’ll be OK. We’re going up to have dinner with Mark and JaiJai in Lewisburg. Ed & Lynne will be joining us. We’re looking forward to a fun time.

I’d like to write more, but it’s snowing. We might get a half inch or so, but better safe than sorry. I don’t want to damage my fingers typing in this weather. I hope this finds everybody doing well.

Crazy Frustrated

We had an inch of snow this week. It was quite pretty. The camera doesn’t show what the eye sees, but even in this picture you can see snowflakes frozen in time. It’s even prettier for us because we don’t have to go out if we don’t want to. So why am I crazy frustrated?

It all started with Christmas. Danita and I heard Bryon would like a drone. I thought drones were multi-thousand dollar devices, but Danita found a palm-sized drone with a very reasonable price and excellent reviews. Brian had fun flying it inside and was having pretty good success — until it got tangled with Elizabeth’s hair. Still, it looked like a lot of fun. I got the itch and bought myself one. When I tried to fly it, it skittered across the room like a demented crab until it encountered a wall. Then it buzzed against the wall like a manic woodpecker while I tried to find the “off” button. After several “flights”, I got highly miffed and sent it back.

But I was still hooked. Surely a better drone would be easier to fly. I found another drone, larger and only mildly outrageous in cost. It is stabilized by a 6-axis gyro, and also stabilized with GPS. It comes with a one-button launch and another button guaranteed to land it where it took off. Great. But I bought it at the wrong time of year for sure. It’s a lot bigger and could be a hazard indoors. Plus, GPS stabilization only works outdoors. So now I need a day that’s dry, not super cold, with low winds and no snow on the ground. We don’t get a lot of those this time of year. And we have our 5-week trip starting in mid-February. Plus, this being Columbia, there aren’t a lot of wide-open spaces for a beginner pilot to safely experiment. There are some soccer fields that aren’t used during school hours. Hopefully, I’ll get to try it before school’s out.

I’m not really all that frustrated. Plenty of things are great. For example, if Danita has lots of leftover ham from the holidays, she might be inspired to make a ham and swiss loaf for dinner. Tres bon!

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

Ordinary Time

We really enjoyed the holidays. It was fun having so much company and having time with each other. Now everybody has gone home. Today is Epiphany, which is traditionally the last day of Christmas. We’re getting back into our normal schedule. It feels relaxing and comfortable.

Our parish had a family dinner Friday. It was the steak tips menu, which is quite popular. Danita and I volunteered to be servers, as usual. Attendance was good and the flow of people was steady. It was a great dinner. At the end of the evening, there was plenty of food left for the volunteers.

We got back into our habit of a nice breakfast before Church. This being the first Sunday, we went to Bob Evans. It may not really be farm fresh, but it does taste good. And we took biscuits home. It will be ham sandwiches on Bob Evans biscuits for lunch. Woo-hoo!

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

Mark and JiaJia

This week one piece of news overshadows everything else that happens in the week. Mark and JiaJia came for a visit and stayed overnight. I could have gotten a picture at the cake tasting. Or our marvelous lunch at Catonsville Gourmet. Or our informal snack of Greek Spinach pies. Or Mark’s attempt to “cheat” at Scrabble. Or Mark’s victory dance when he thought he had the game-winning move. Or his disappointment when he found his ultimate move didn’t fit on the board. Or even the nice breakfast we had at Panera. But all I got this lousy snap in our kitchen. Thanks, Mark and JiaJia, for a delightful day.

Danita, JiaJia, and Mark


Good Times Still Rolling

Last Sunday we saw the movie “Knives Out”. It’s a great movie — lots of surprises and full of fun. We also went to dinner Thursday to use a free entree at Houlihans. I sure do like their meatloaf. Then Friday we had a neighborhood party. To be honest, the food was not all that great. But the company was good and we had a good time. Yesterday we went to the Sabiston’s for a Christmas open house. We saw a lot of people we know through Marriage Encounter that we haven’t seen in a long time. Tonight we’re having home-made calzones — cheese, sausage, onion, and red pepper. Woo-hoo!

Having gone out Friday and Saturday, we decided to stay home today. After a week of rain ad yuck, the weather today was quite good — sunny and 50. I got a nice ride in. We’re back to rain and yuck tomorrow.

The work on our neighborhood computers has a light at the end of the tunnel. I went to a board workshop last week and got everything I requested approved. I have one more meeting with requests in January. One can only do so much in one night. I cover 3 or 4 points in a meeting. I set up a meeting with our office manager Tuesday to go over some things. Danita was “suspicious” when she saw a meeting with another woman at 11 PM. Stupid computers. I said 11. It should have known I meant AM.

Mark and JiaJia are in Lewisburg. We’re looking forward to seeing them Friday. They’re coming down to talk to wedding vendors.

That’s a lot of excitement for one week. I hope this finds everybody doing well.