China – Travel to Luoyang

There are no pics today.

Today we spent the day traveling from Beijing to Luoyang. We flew an Air Bus plane that seated about 350 people. The flight was completely full. It’s only a 2-hour flight, but we had to leave for the airport at 10. It’s impossible to do anything with a group of 24 and be done by 10. We got into Luoyang at 3, and again it’s too little time to do an organized activity before dinner.

This is a good time to offer some general observations about Beijing. The Chinese are agressive. There’s absolutely none of the British attitude of “queue up and wait your turn.” Is there something to see or photograph that’s busy? Push your way in. When it was time to check out of our hotel, there were 3 desk clerks and three guests talking with them. So I started a line. An employee indicated I should approach the counter. I didn’t, and this upset him. So he took our room keys and walked over to one of the busy desk clerks to indicate she should check us out *now*. A few people in China like to wear gloves. I understand the cotton white gloves, but some bicyclists wear heavy gloves that covers the hand and forearm, almost up to the elbow. Considering the high temperature was over 90, I couldn’t understand why. Our group discussed this. The consensus opinion was that the gloves protect the cyclist’s hands and arms when they bump against people and cars as they push to get through *now*.

This brings us to the traffic. As I mentioned earlier, just about every family in Beijing has a car. There are about 6 million cars in Beijing for 22 million people. There’s lots of slow traffic in Beijing. Drivers expect each other to be just as pushy on the road as they are in person. When a lane disappears, cars inevitably have to invent an extra lane as they push to get in front of one another. Our guide told us the traffic in Luoyang is much better than traffic in Beijing. The streets we were on were not crowded. But I can hear from our room that drivers in Luoyang love their horns just as much as do drivers in Beijing. The other thing about Beijing traffic is that rules of the road are more like suggestions than absolute requirements. People generally obey rules of the road — until they have a reason to do otherwise. Our bus made an illegal U turn in the middle of the street to avoid driving around the block — even though the street wasn’t wide enough and he had to jockey the bus back and forth to complete the turn. Other drivers tolerate this behavior, probably because they do it themselves all the time. The amazing thing is that cars almost always look in good shape, without fender dents or bumper bumps. Of course, if I earned a Chinese salary and spent $100K on a car, I guess I would take very good care of it.

This brings us to Chinese taxes. They’re outrageous. Smart phones are made in China. But their price in China is double what it is in the US, at official exchange rates. Everybody in China has or wants a friend in the US who is willing to smuggle goods into the country. The Chinese government gets away with their outrageous taxes because nobody sees how much of the purchase price is for taxes. And it’s not so easy to see the US prices, because China blocks most successful US commercial sites.

The other reason China gets away with outrageous taxes is that they are incredibly successful, and therefore most citizens support their government. The standard of living in China has increased unbelievably in just one generation. Our guide told us that when his parents were young and wanted to get married, they had to get the “big 3 items” first. These were: a watch for him, a sewing machine for her, and a bicycle. At that time, a good bicycle was 3 to 4 month’s salary. Today, before a woman’s father will let her marry, he will make sure the groom has the “big 3 items”. They are: a condo, a car, and a good career.

The internet seems to work pretty well here. I should be able to post some pics of Luoyang tomorrow.

China – Day 4

Temple Of Heaven

Temple Of Heaven

There are lots of pics today. This is our last full day in Beijing, and it was a lot of fun. We started out with a Tai Chi class. There are video cameras all over Beijing. We were joking that in exchange for visiting China, we had to provide a little entertainment to the Chinese authorities. If anybody watched the video, I’m sure they got a pretty good laugh.





Temple Of Heaven

Temple Of Heaven

From Tai Chi, we went to the Temple of Heaven. This is where the Emperor would go to pray for a good harvest, blah blah blah. I’m putting a picture of the building here. But what was much more interesting is that the Chinese have put the temple grounds to very good use. The temple grounds are actually larger than the Forbidden City, but there aren’t all that many buildings (even counting the gift shops). The rest of the area is grass, trees, and flowers. People come here to have a good time. Most of the people we saw were retired. It’s a combination outdoor park – senior center – exercise gym. I’m putting a bunch of pics from the park at the bottom of the blog.

Hutong Lunch

Hutong Lunch

Our next stop was a house in the Hutong. One of the families provides meals for tour groups. We had lunch in her house, discussed what it’s like to live in the Hutong, and got to ask tons of questions. The meal was a typical multi-course affair and the food was excellent. I won’t bore you with all the dishes we had, but I will mention that lunch included garlic sprouts. (Eat your heart out, Dani.)






After lunch, we all got a rickshaw ride around the Hutong. We got a close look at the houses and the general area. One could do a lot worse than live in the Hutong. It’s close to everything. The houses are often over 100 years old and are quite strong. There’s a strong sense of community.





Tea Tasting

Tea Tasting

Our next stop was the bell tower, just north of the Hutong. We visited a tea shop in the bottom of the bell tower, sampling 4 kinds of tea. The lady doing the sampling had a clever presentation and was quite accomplished at what she did. While most of the rest of the group purchased tea and tea cups, Danita and I went to the top of the bell tower. It was a nice view, including a birds-eye view of the Hutong.




Hutong From Bell Tower

Hutong From Bell Tower

We went back to the hotel about 4 to have dinner on our own. Danita and I didn’t want a lot to eat. We walked around the block and came across a bakery. We had a pizza bread, a veal bread, and a cupcake. It was quite good and was exactly what we wanted after having eaten so many large meals.

Later on tonight we will watch the Beijing Opera, which is performed in our hotel. Busses of tourists come to our hotel to watch the opera. This should be good. Below are some pics from the park this morning.

Parallel Bars

Parallel Bars

Danita Swing

Danita Swing

Chinese Zumba

Chinese Zumba

Music Lesson

Music Lesson



Chinese Chess

Chinese Chess

Dominos By Peach Blosums

Dominos By Peach Blosums

Sword Dancing

Sword Dancing

Hockey Sack

Hockey Sack



China – Day 3

Olympic Village Dragon Building

Olympic Village Dragon Building

There are some pics today. I keep on forgetting things I wanted to post. The interesting thing about Tian’anmen Square is that it is quite busy in the morning. Chairman Mao’s mausoleum is open for viewing in the morning. It’s a very popular attraction. We saw the morning crowd and it was quite impressive. But we were on the bus and I couldn’t get a picture.Today’s visit was the Great Wall. We drove by the Olympic Village and stopped for some pictures. These 5 buildings were the living area and are supposed to represent a dragon. The first building is the dragon’s head. The last is the tail.

Gondola Cars

Gondola Cars

We drove to the Jinshanling area of the great wall. It’s over 2 hours outside Beijing, but it’s in the mountains, it’s not over-restored (and hence a little more authentic), and it’s not as crowded. It was well worth the drive. We started out by riding gondola cars from the parking lot up into the mountains. Our guide warned us about the locals. They do their best to “help” tourists walk along the wall. In exchange, the tourists are supposed to buy something ad exorbitant prices, such as a $16 refrigerator magnet. Some people wanted to buy the stuff. Others needed some help and were happy to buy something. But the locals were a nuisance to the rest of us. But the wall was still fabulous and we’re very glad we visited.

Great Wall

Great Wall

We didn’t spent all that much time climbing the wall. It follows the ridge of the mountains, which have dramatic dips and climbs. Parts of the wall were in pretty bad shape, making footing difficult in places. But the climbs were fun and the views spectacular. As is often the case, pictures can’t possibly give the feeling one gets when being there. But here’s some snap shots just for fun.

Great Wall

Great Wall

We ran into a lot of traffic coming back to our hotel. So we went out for a quick dinner about 7:30. As usual, the dinner had plenty of great dishes. The featured dish was dumplings. Yummy.

Great Wall

Great Wall

Great Wall

Great Wall

Great Wall

Great Wall

China – Day 2

There  are several pics today. I forgot to mention one of the coolest features of our Boeing 777. Every seat had a 110V outlet and a 5V USB outlet for charging phones and computers. How cool is that?

Hall Of Supreme Harmony

Hall Of Supreme Harmony

The big activity today was visiting the Forbidden City. The buildings are quite impressive. They look large, horizontal (almost squat), and very permanent. I wish our guide was more interested in architecture. I’m sure I’ll be reading up on how these buildings were built when we get back. The tourist experience was very different than the guide books indicated. The Chinese no longer allow visitors in most of the rooms. Instead, one can walk to the doorway and look inside. The big attraction is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, where the emperor sat on his throne and dispensed state business. It was so crowded we weren’t able to see the throne room.

Scratched Water Cauldren

Somebody’s looking for good luck at the Scratched Water Cauldron

When the Japanese conquered Beijing (circa 1911), they wanted to steal the huge gold-colored water cauldrons (used for fire protection). They were far too heavy to steal, so the Japanese scratched away at the gold paint.



Jade With 9 Dragons

Jade With 9 Dragons



Nine is a lucky number. Dragons represent the Emperor. That’s why this jade surrounded by brass had to have 9 dragons. If you look closely, you can see 4 dragons — one on either side of the circle and one on either side at the bottom. The other side has 4 more dragons. The last dragon comes about because this item was placed outside the emperor’s living quarters. When you look through the hole, you see the emperor — the 9th dragon.

Emperor's Bedroom

Emperor’s Bedroom

After lunch, we visited Tian’anmen Square. This is the largest public square in the world. It is also totally uninteresting. There are no seats of any kind, no food or drink for sale, no trees, and two very small patches of shade. We had no problems getting into the square, but the Chinese had a much harder time getting through security. We had more time here than I needed for sure.

Sill Keeps Bad Spirits Out

Sill Keeps Bad Spirits Out


Most doorways have these tall sills. It seems like Chinese bad spirits have something in common with zombies. They can’t jump very high. These sills keep the bad spirits out.







A really great Chinese rockery has lots of holes, created naturally by a stream. Ideally, all these holes are interconnected. A smoke source at the bottom of the rockery would result in smoke coming out of all the holes at the top.

I must say the food has been quite good. This evening we had our Beijing duck welcome dinner. As usual, there were many dishes available. If one doesn’t look good to you, there are half a dozen others that are more interesting.

China Day 1

There are no pics today.

Today was all about getting to China. Our flight to Toronto was on time. We flew a Dash-8 (turbo-prop). The flight to Beijing was in a Boeing 777 Dreamliner (their newest plane). The 777 is amazing. The interior looks modern, spacious, and very attractive. The cabin had recessed LED lighting that changed colors. It had a touch-screen entertainment system that included dozens of video choices and dozens more audio choices. Overhead carry-on storage was ample even though every seat was taken. Leg room was better than most economy-flights. We could even use our food trays without bumping our belly against the tray. The flight took 12 hours. Air Canada’s service was quite good, which went a long way towards making the flight go easily.

The hardest part of our trip was the 1-1/2 hour bus ride to go 30 miles from the airport to the hotel. Beijing is filled with cars, it was Friday afternoon, and traffic was miserable. We saw very few bicycles and scooters. Very few Chinese vehicles. We saw lots of Japanese, Korean, European, and even US cars on the road.

We got checked in to our hotel and had a very good lazy-susan Chinese dinner at the hotel. Most of us had long flights. We adjourned early to relax in our rooms. We’re also starting late tomorrow. We won’t leave the hotel until 9. That gives plenty of time for sleeping in, getting ready, and eating breakfast. Highs in Beijing are forecasted to be near 90, with no rain.

Our Email is working great, but the phones had a glitch. I sent a message to tech support. Hopefully, our phones will be working tomorrow. If not, drop us an Email or ask Mark or Jul to forward your phone message. They have an alternate way to get hold of us by phone.


Busy Times

There is one pic — a map of our trip. (As always, you can click on it to make it bigger.)

China Trip Map

China Trip Map

We’re leaving for China Thursday. It’s busy times, but not because of the trip. About the only thing we have to do is pack our suitcase. That won’t take long because we aren’t taking much. I was lucky with the Howard County Library E-books. I was able to get several good ones loaded into my Kindle reader. There’s even a possibility of picking up one more   book if I’m lucky.

Our Church had a seminar about the timeline of the bible Friday evening and Saturday. That sounded interesting so we went to that. We both enjoyed it, and we both learned a lot. Sunday after Church we went to a Church breakfast. Then Danita got a haircut while I counted money. We have a BSO concert this afternoon (highlighting Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition”). After that, Dot and Duane are hosting their annual open house. They traditionally do this in January, but Dot was still recovering this year. It will be the first time we’ve seen them since Dot’s surgery.

We usually have dinner out on Thursday. But last Wednesday Hooligans (my vote for best restaurant meatloaf in Howard County) was offering $10.40 off in honor of tax day. We couldn’t pass that up. Danita cooked her last dinner last night. We’ll be eating leftovers until all the food is gone. If we run out of leftovers, we’ll just have to eat out.

That’s all for now. I’ll try to post often while we’re in China.

Rain, Rain, Go Away

There are no pics this week.

We’re going to China in a week and a half. If everything works, it will be easy to find us. Part of our trip is in some pretty remote areas, so there may be times we are unavailable. To contact us, call or Email as you usually would. We each have an hour of prepaid calls. Calls are basically free, even though we are in China. (Is technology cool, or what?) If that doesn’t work, Jul and Mark will have alternate ways to get hold of us. Contact them; they will forward the message.

Dennis: 410-417-8854,
Danita: 410-709-8854,
Julia: 704-506-5500,
Mark: 410-446-6988,

We had a miserable, rainy week. It was cloudy or raining continuously every day. It didn’t make as much difference to me, because I spent the week hacking away with my cold anyway. I was feeling better, but still coughing.

We usually go out to dinner on Thursdays. This week, we decided to try a place we hadn’t been to yet in historic Ellicott City. It was doubly attractive because the county had just removed the parking meters from the area. (That’s something that doesn’t happen very often! I’ll probably vote for our new county executive until he stops running for office.) But the trip was fraught with misadventures. Nothing major — no wrinkled cars or hurt people. Just multiple misadventures. There’s no way I could explain everything that happened. The short story is that we ended up eating leftovers at home. Historic Ellicott City is a area 6 blocks long and 2 blocks wide. The area was built over 100 years ago. They mostly have original buildings. It’s right next to the Patapsco River, with steep hills on either side. It usually floods once a year or so. The area has a lot of charm and is quite popular. I like biking there. But we’ve never had a great experience eating or shopping there. I think we’ll be focusing our energies on other parts of the county in the future.

We spent the last of the rain this week at a SOCA party Friday evening. Afterwards, Rob showed the most recent “Hunger Games” movie. I had seen this with somebody (Kathryn, I think). It was still a nice movie the second time around.

The sun came back Saturday morning. We spent the better part of the day at a funeral for Danita’s Aunt Ann. Ann was the last Hartka of her generation. (But a few spouses are still around.) She lived the last years of her life out West, near her son. This was the “East Coast” funeral, because so much of the Hartka family is still in the Baltimore area. The priest gave one of the better funeral homilies I’ve heard. I complimented him on the way out. He said it’s the homily he gave at his Dad’s funeral. Pretty remarkable priest, if you ask me. His was also a large family, still centered in Baltimore.

Since we went to Mass Saturday, we decided to play hooky from Church today. But we didn’t skip eating Sunday breakfast out. The weather today is fabulous. Earlier this week, I spent a rainy afternoon replacing tires, chain, and brake pads on my bike. I was happy to have great weather and enough time for a nice shake-down ride. We’re hosting Circle this evening. Danita made some kind of cake that is smelling pretty good. Our subject tonight will be “Bucket Lists”.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.


Easter Week

Addie Danita

Addie Danita

Easter week has been a sick week for Danita and me. We have both been suffering from colds. I got sick Tuesday morning and missed Yoga Tuesday evening. Danita was sick first, so I’m definitely blaming her. She’s been sick for the better part of 2 weeks now, so we’re ready for this stuff to be over. Danita took one sick day when she first got sick, but she’s too busy at work to take more time than that. On the bright side, she took Good Friday off, as she does every year. We enjoyed hanging and being low key.



We missed our anniversary this year, spending the day driving back from NC. So last Sunday we went to Miss Shirley’s for breakfast. It’s always a special treat, but it’s even better now that we’ve figured out how to get the $3 parking and walk the sky bridge when we go. The SOCA party Sunday evening was a potluck. Danita made her decidedly decadent 3-cheese with macaroni casserole. I was smelling it cook in the oven. I suggest we skip the party and just eat the casserole. At least I got some at the party.

Today was Easter. Lynne held Easter dinner as usual. There was lots of food and lots of Easter Eggs to be found There are plenty of pics attached.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

Suzanne Addie

Suzanne Addie

Toni Joe

Toni Joe

Rebecca Pete

Rebecca Pete



Pete Suzanne Rebecca Addie

Pete Suzanne Rebecca Addie





Mark Lynne Rebcca Toni's Parents

Mark Lynne Rebcca Toni’s Parents

Joe Toni

Joe Toni

Hunting Eggs

Hunting Eggs






Bud Danita

Bud Danita

Counting Eggs

Counting Eggs

Ed Toni's Parents

Ed Toni’s Parents

West Palm Beach

There are a couple of pics this week.

The big news for Danita was work – work – work. Unfortunately, she got sick Wednesday. She was feeling pretty bad. She stayed home from work and backed out of having dinner with Bud. (There’s no sense to take a risk of getting him sick.) She wasn’t better Thursday, but she was back to work. She was also sick but worked Friday. She seems to finally be getting over whatever she had.

Mom & Glenn at Okeeheelee Park

Mom & Glenn at Okeeheelee Park

While Danita was working and being sick, I visited Mom & Glen. When I got up Tuesday morning, I received an Email that my flight was cancelled. All other flights to West Palm Beach were full. So I called Southwest. They offered to reroute me through Ft. Lauderdale. It took away from time with Mom on Monday and Friday, and it meant a 45 mile drive in FL. On the bright side, the rental car in Ft. Lauderdale was $100 cheaper than the same care in W Palm Beach. I was surprised.

Birds at Okeeheelee Park were quite bold

Birds at Okeeheelee Park were quite bold

I arrived in plenty of time to attend the play “7 Brides for 7 Brothers” at the Century Village theater as Mom’s guest. Wednesday we went to Okeeheelee Park and took a walk. The weather was quite pleasant. There was plenty of wildlife to see. Thursday we went to the Havana restaurant for dinner at lunch time. The food was quite good. Friday wasn’t quite as successful. We went to Sarah’s Kitchen for breakfast. The food was great, but it was so noisy Glen couldn’t hear us talking. On the way back, we stopped at Ocean Reef Park. There were a few picnic tables around the parking lot. There was a sandy path to the beach, but Mom and Glen can’t walk on the sand very well. I walked out to the beach and saw some nice tables, chairs, and umbrellas. I thought that was much nicer than the parking area. Then I saw the sign — this was a private area for the hotel next door. I had planned to leave Mom’s about 12:30, but I started feeling nervous and decided I would rather wait an extra hour in the airport than take the chance of getting caught up in traffic on I-95.

Mom & Glen at Ocean Reef Park

Mom & Glen at Ocean Reef Park

Besides our trips, we spent time going over Mom’s new computer setup and how to get things done. Mom did quite well. Mom wanted a new Wi-Fi printer. With color printing. With a scanner. With a copier. (These are called all-in-one printers). I figured we were in for a bruising, but that’s what she wanted. So we went to Best Buy and picked out an HP Envy. When we got home and I started working with the printer, I was impressed. HP has always made great printers. But in the past, all the options required to make a printer do all these functions made for a confusing set of configuration screens. Then use of the multi-function printers was made complicated by confusing buttons marked with obscure symbols. But this printer is actually a snap to set up and easy to use. Here’s an example. Mom wanted to see how the double-sided printing worked. We found a 2-page document. The printer printed the first page, then sucked the page back inside, then printed the second page on the other side of the paper. It couldn’t possibly be any easier than that. Exampe #2. Mom wanted to scan a document. We had to follow a menu. In every case, the first option was the one we wanted. When we were done, the File Explorer screen opened on Mom’s computer to show her where her scan file was. Every time I wanted to do something, no matter how obscure, I was able to get to it right away with one press of the graphic control panel. It’s an amazing amount of functionality for less than $100.

All good things must end. I came home Friday to move from the high 80s to below freezing. Today (Saturday) is the Church dinner. Danita and I will be servers. It’s going to be a long dinner — from 4 to 8. If we survive that, we’ll go to a SOCA party Sunday.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.


There are some pics this week.

Cherry Trees at the Park

Cherry Trees at the Park

Last week was pretty exciting. We started seriously thinking about what we’ll take to China. The warning was that there are times we will have to carry our own baggage, possibly on uneven steps without handrails. The mantra is “travel light”. We reluctantly admitted that the day hike backpacks we got for England are too large for China. I found my China backpack. Danita’s still thinking about it. We had our last Tai Chi class Wednesday. We managed not to fall in class. We’re hoping to duplicate that in China.

Suspension Bridge was the Favorite

Suspension Bridge was the Favorite

Thursday we went to the National Aquarium for a lecture titled “Looking Through a Lense”. Doug Allen is world famous for his nature photography and films. He specializes in underwater filming at the North and South poles. It was an amazing presentation.

Friday we drove down to Jul’s. Unbelievably, there was snow in our area. It was scheduled to start early in the morning. We left at 4:45 AM to beat the snow. It worked. I don’t know when the snow actually started, but we had nothing more than rain. Columbia ended up with 2 inches of snow. We made it down safe and sound. Saturday was a beautiful day. We took the grandkids to a park and had a great time. Sunday we saw Cinderella and had some ice cream. We no longer have more stamina than Bryon, but Elizabeth was sound asleep by the time we got back Sunday.

River was Inviting but Too Cold

River was Inviting but Too Cold

We’ll be driving back to Columbia tomorrow. Our big constraint is that we have to be at the breakfast IHOP at 8:40 AM so I can check into my flight for Florida. I should have just enough time in Columbia to repack my bag for the next trip.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.