Too busy to work

There are some pics this week, including Danita on her new bicycle.

Snow on Apr 9

Snow on Apr 9

It has been a busy week, but let’s start with a discussion of the weather. Which included snow. In April. I don’t recall that we have ever had snow this late in the year. If you click this picture, you can easily see the large snowflakes against the background of the black street. The snow didn’t stick to the pavement, or even to the grass. But we did have a thin coating on the deck. Highs should get up into the 80s next week.

Snow on CarSnow also accumulated on our old car (2007 Honda Accord). Snow was able to accumulate on the car because the car was outside the garage. The car was outside the garage because there isn’t enough room for 2 cars and 2 bikes inside the garage. So of course the car had to go outside. I bought this car 7 years ago when I was making smart cards. Two companies merged and they closed the plant in Owings Mills. I was driving to the  other plant 3 days a week, which was north of Philadelphia. It was an insanely luxurious car by our standards at the time, yet with it’s 4-banger engine and manual transmission it got great gas mileage. It did a fabulous job over the years. With only 113,000 miles, it still runs perfectly. But now the door seal around the driver’s door leaks. And sometimes the heater gets stuck on full heat (usually in the summer time). We seldom drive it. Sometimes it sits so long the battery goes dead. It was certainly not going to be driven while we we will be in Pipe Spring for 3 months later on this year. Eventually, seals and gaskets would start going bad. It was time to get rid of the car. So I took it to Car Max. We didn’t get a great price, but we got a fair price. From the time I pulled out of the driveway, the entire sale took less than 4 hours. That includes returning the tags and cancelling the insurance. It was a good car, and almost certainly my last “stick shift”.

Biker Grandma

Biker Grandma

I’ve been trying to add several features to our community website. They include a directory of residents, automatic Emails for new bits and for important announcements, better access to residents’ information for our board, etc. I expected to get everything up and running by early this year. But the board has continually delayed over political issues. With the snow birds back from FL, and with a shiny new privacy policy in place, I thought we were finally set to go. But at a meeting Monday, the board decided to wait while they address an issue over Email addresses. My guess is that they’ll delay so long that we’ll be into our travels, and the features will be added by early next year.


Cruising Along

Cruising Along

Besides all that, we finished planning for all the trips we’ll be taking this year. We decided we won’t have problems getting around St. Petersburg because everything we want to see is an easy walk from out hotel. However, we are going to need help in Moscow. It’s a sprawling city. I found a website “toursbylocals”. Through them we found a local guide that will get us around town for the three days we are there. The cost very reasonable, especially compared to traditional companies that offer tourist services. I have a feeling we’ll be using toursbylocals again over the coming years. After we’re back from Russia, we’ll be hosting the grand kids for a week. We have both indoor and outdoor activities planned for each day. Shortly after that, we’ll be leaving for Pipe Spring. We are giving ourselves 3 weeks to drive out, taking our time to see the sights and hike the trails as we go. We have every sight, trail, and hotel mapped out.

That’s all for this week. I hope this finds everybody doing well.


Danita Eichenlaub, Administrative Director Emeritus

There is one pic this week.

Danita’s application for Emeritus status was approved by the president of UMBC. She received the letter this week. She is quite pleased.

As well as things are going in general, sometimes specific events don’t click. Danita and I went out to dinner Thursday as we usually do. I wanted this dinner to be a special one. I booked a table at Baldwin’s Station, our favorite restaurant. I wanted to surprise Danita with flowers. I found a way to order flowers without her knowing. But the dinner didn’t work. The day was cold and rainy. Traffic was terrible. The room we were seated in was cold. And the flowers weren’t there. The food was very good, but we were so cold we didn’t even consider desert. We went home early and watched some TV.



Friday was as unexpected as Thursday, but it was unexpectedly nice. Friday was Danita’s day to work this week. She attended a great seminar Friday morning. (about science and art, and other interdisciplinary activities.) Mid-morning, I received an apology from the florist. When they transcribed the order into the computer, they entered the wrong day. They delivered the flowers to our house. So I was able to surprise Danita after all. Friday evening we had a neighborhood party. These are always fun because the grouches and nay-sayers stay home. Everybody who comes is out to have a good time.

We’re getting a nice bonus from Panera for Danita’s first month of retirement. There’s a Panera a little over a mile away. We usually have breakfast out Sundays. The third Sunday is counting Sunday for me. We need a predictably quick breakfast. So we usually go to Panera on third Sundays. In April, folks who have their loyalty card can get one free bagel every day in April. We’re using it as a Bagel BOGO. So far, we’re walking through the flavors Panera offers. Every morning, one of us drives to Panera and gets two bagels to go. We bring them home and eat them with our own toaster, spreads, and coffee. Total cost: $1.27. That’s a bargain in anybody’s book.

We haven’t prepared food at home for two days. Breakfast is Panera bagels. Thursday I had lunch with Tony Chaprnka and Danita had leftovers. Thursday night was our night out. Friday morning was more Panera bagels. Danita had lunch as part of her seminar and I rode to the grocery store and brought home a salad. And Friday night was the neighborhood party. We’re living large here in Columbia.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

Retired! (sorta)

There are no pics this week.

Thursday was Danita’s last day at work. But she’s not retired just yet. She opted to take vacation and stay on the payroll for 2 more months. The financial advantage is that we get cheaper medical insurance for the two months. When her bosses figured that out that Danita was on payroll, they talked her into doing Email every day and coming in one day a week. She won’t take vacation when she works, but she’ll continue working part time. It might be a nice transition. The stress level should be less, because the bosses finally announced how they will proceed moving forward. They will promote Mary (one of the women that works for Danita) and hire a new entry-level person. It’s a reasonable plan. Here’s hoping everything works out smoothly.

Danita got a very generous REI gift card at her retirement. This was very nice, because it made it easy for her to go ahead an buy a bike. She got a “Townie”. Here’s a link that shows the bike. Her bike is blue, which isn’t a color shown on the website.

The bike suits her very well. I don’t have a picture yet. We’ve had bad weather and were able to ride only once. I would have taken a picture, but I had accidentally set some option on my camera that precluded my getting a shot. I finally got the camera straightened out, so there should be a picture by next week.

So far, retirement feels like a very relaxed 3-day weekend. For our dinner-out Thursday we got pizza. Then we came home and had a private party. (With wine.) Saturday we went to a concert at UMBC. We heard the Chiara String Quartet. The quartet is comprised of excellent musicians. Unfortunately, they wanted to broaden our horizons somewhat more than we want our horizons broadened. They played a piece based on Andean folk music (by Gabriela Lena Frank), and a piece based on Eastern European folk music (by Bartok). “Based on” was used very loosely. These pieces were both quite modern, discordant, and lacking in any peaceful or beautiful music. Fortunately, the third piece was a Brahms string quartet.

Today, we went to Miss Shirley’s for an extraordinarily good breakfast. We’re going to a special mass with Circle this afternoon, which will be followed by a dinner.

Over a year ago, I wrote about the Patapsco river valley. A century ago, it was a major industrial area, thanks to the beginnings of the B & O railroad. Among other things, it produced some of the finest flour available. Today, it is a very undeveloped park. One can walk along the path of the first US railroad and see parts of the foundations of some of the factories, including stone that is grooved from the original B & O rails. The last vestige of it’s industrial past is the Bode dam, which was one of the first hydroelectric dams and was very innovative for it’s day. I wrote about how the Patapsco Park personnel planned to remove the dam, which would bring the are from natural to industrial and back to natural in a little over a century. The park service announced they are in the final stages of the dam removal. By the end of the year, the only thing left should be a concrete bench. The river should be back to it’s pre-industrial state about two years after that. You can read the article here.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

Retirement Party

Here are (almost) a dozen pics from Danita’s UMBC retirement party.

Hrabowski is the president of UMBC. Karl is the VP of research. Belay is the director of JCET. Jan is the director of GPHI. Belay and Jan both work for Karl; both are Danita’s boss. Ray is retired. He used to be director and is the person who hired Danita. Mary works for Danita and organized the party.

With Hrabowski

With Hrabowski

With Hrabowski

With Hrabowski

Mary Remarks

Mary Remarks

Hrabowski Remarks

Hrabowski Remarks

Hrabowski Remarks

Hrabowski Remarks

Karl Remarks

Karl Remarks

Belay Remarks

Belay Remarks

Jan Remarks

Jan Remarks

Ray Remarks

Ray Remarks

Presents Presentation

Presents Presentation

Danita Remarks

Danita Remarks

A Dozen Easter Pics

This one’s all about the pics. Here they are.

Easter Bread

Easter Bread

Addie, Joe, Rebecca, Pete

Addie, Joe, Rebecca, Pete

Toni's Dad, Mark

Toni’s Dad, Mark

Toni, Joe

Toni, Joe

Suzanne, Addie

Suzanne, Addie

Mark, Bud, Danita

Mark, Bud, Danita

Plalying the Ball Game

Plalying the Ball Game

Getting the Egg Hut Picture

Getting the Egg Hut Picture

Some Eggs are Easy

Some Eggs are Easy

Some Eggs are Hard

Some Eggs are Hard

Sweeping the Grounds for Eggs

Sweeping the Grounds for Eggs

All Over but the Counting

All Over but the Counting

Happy Easter

There were lots of things going on this week, but it was a quiet week for us. It was almost like being in the eye of a hurricane. Spending Monday driving back from NC made this a short work week. Our anniversary was Wednesday. We went out for hamburgers and desert. The hamburgers were great, but the desert place we tried had a long line, so we gave up on that. Our Thursday dinner out was pulled pork at Mission BBQ.

Danita took Friday off, as she does every Good Friday. She promptly had an emergency at work, and spent an hour on Email. The rest of the day was pleasant. Danita spent a lot of time cooking this weekend.

Danita’s retirement is rapidly approaching. She will need her own computer. I thought the Microsoft Surface 3 might be small enough to be her portable reader and capable enough to be her computer. We went out to look at it Friday morning. She didn’t like it, so we’ll look around some more.

It’s just nice having a 3-day weekend together. Tomorrow is Easter. Ed and Lynne are hosting the Easter party. If I remember my camera, there will likely be a few pics next week.

That’s it for this week. I hope everybody has an enjoyable Easter week.

A Week in NC

We started the week with a savory pie for dinner on pie day (3/14). We left for NC Friday morning. We got in a little late and got caught up in rush-hour traffic. We arrived a little late but in good shape. Bryon had soccer games Saturday and Sunday. We didn’t have any big adventures, but we did get to see the movie Zootopia. It was a lot fun and everybody had a good time. We came back on Monday with no incidents or even heavy traffic. The visit is really about the pics, so here they are.

Pi Day Dinner

Pi Day Dinner

Bryon in the Soccer Game

Bryon in the Soccer Game

Bryon in the Soccer Game

Bryon in the Soccer Game

Liz Being Loz

Liz Being Liz

Liz Playing Restaurant Waitress

Liz Playing Restaurant Waitress

Bryon playing restaurant chef

Bryon playing restaurant chef

Screen Time on Bryon's tablet

Screen Time on Bryon’s tablet

A Tough Week

There are no pics this week.

Danita’s stress level is quite high. Retiring is a big change for her, of course. She’s only had two jobs, and she’s had this one for 16 years. It’s also a big change for her subordinates. These are people she cares about. She’s hired all of them. She’s worked with them for quite a long time. They had a staff meeting Tuesday. After several months of knowing Danita is leaving, the center directors presented their plans for how the organization will move forward. And they blew it. They still don’t know what they want to do. Some of the things they have started just don’t make sense. When asked (several times by several different staff), the directors gave non-answer answers. There was angst rolling on the floor Tuesday afternoon. Friday Danita had a clean-up party. The office staff go through paper files, sorting everything into Keep / Discard / Shred. This is basically an all-day party, so things were a little better going into the weekend. That’s good because it made our Friday evening neighborhood party more enjoyable. Besides the Friday party, we also hada Circle dinner party yesterday and a BSO concert today.

Next week is spring break for the university. Danita will work during spring break, swapping those days to take a couple of days off for our road trip. One of the things Danita will work while alone in the office is her application for emeritus status. It’s unusual for administrators to get emeritus status, but she was the acting center director for JCET and was recognized as Presidential Award winner one year. There is precedence for administrators to get emeritus status at UMBC. She has a pretty good chance.

The road trip should be fun. We’re going to see Jul, Pat, and the grand kids. We’re leaving Friday the 18th and returning Monday the 21. There just might be some pics next week.

It seems so banal to write about the weather week after week, but our weather continues to be so — un-banal. After our dusting of snow last week, we switched to unheard of warm temperatures. We had two days in the 80s, crushing all previous records for high temperature. The forecast is for temperatures to drop a little, but stay well above normal. It makes for great bike riding, and it’s nice to be able to open the house up during the day.

That’s it for this week. I hope this finds everybody doing well.

Bonus Issue – Our Last Ever Weekend Outing

First Bonus – Last Weekend Outing

Weary Herakles

Weary Herakles

A “Weekend Outing” is an outing one could do any time, but it is done on the weekend because that’s the time that doesn’t conflict with work. An example is visiting an exhibit at an art museum. Our trip to the National Gallery of Art in DC to see “Power and Pathos: Bronze Sculpture of the Hellenistic World”. The exhibit will be closing soon, and we went to see it Sunday. We got there just as the museum opened. We saw all the art, but didn’t linger. By the time we were done at 1, the gallery was quite crowded. It will probably be our last weekend outing, because the gallery would certainly be less crowded on a week day.


Portrait of a Man

Portrait of a Man

We have a tradition of visiting DC when the weather is very cold, very hot, or otherwise lousy. This time it was dry in 50, which is very nice compared to our norm. It was an excellent show. I didn’t take my camera, but I wish I had. When I went to steal pics off the web, I found the images to be quite small. I’m sure I could have taken better pictures with my camera.


The technical work, emotion shown, and style make all of these amazing works of art. I’m including my top 4 favorites from the show.

#4 – Weary Herakles – The technical work and emotion make this a stunning piece of art (as most of them were). This made #4 because of how it humanized a heroic icon.

Dancing Faun

Dancing Faun

#3 – Portrait of a Man – The art experts claim that nobody knows who this man is. And from the photo, one would probably agree. But seeing it in person, I couldn’t help but notice this was a dead ringer for Ted Kennedy. How did they know?


#2 – Dancing Faun. I thought this was the best piece of art in the show.




Drunk Herakles

Drunk Herakles

#1 – Drunk Herakles. With or without a camera, a picture just can’t do this one justice. One has to see this in person to appreciate how the mighty Herakles is teetering on his perch. Only by using his mighty club can he avoid face-planting himself. The work is unusually complete. Even Herakles’ stone seat is original. The only thing missing is the wine glass that was originally in his right hand. (I’m thinking that was red wine.) The combination of great art and great humor made this my favorite piece.




Second Bonus – Two fun web sites

Here’s a couple of web sites I found to be interesting.

First, a video of a magnificent marble music machine. This Rube Goldberg actually makes entertaining (and good) music.

Second, OK Go’s music video Upside Down & Inside Out. Besides being good music, the video is shot entirely in a weightless environment. The link includes a short story about the video, a link to the video itself, and a link to a “How we made it” video. It also has links to two more of their videos, including what may be the most amazing Rube Goldberg contraption of all time.


A Late Hurrah for Winter

There are several pics this week, and there’s no real apparent purpose. If you look at them, you might start to think that my old camera stopped working, and I got a new one, and I wanted to play with it.

Late Winter Hurrah

Late Winter Hurrah

After several beautiful days with temps in the 60s, we got another spate of snow. It wasn’t much. When we got up Friday, we found an inch or so on the grass and nothing on the streets or sidewalks. That’s too bad, because Danita was hoping for at least a late opening.



Danita in her office

Danita in her office

I got this picture of Danita in her office because we went to dinner in Catonsville Thursday, followed by a concert at UMBC. UMBC has a beautiful, very high tech music concert hall. The performers were a violin – cello – piano trio performing classical music. They were very good, which was sad, because the concert was not well attended. Students in Music 303 were require to attend (they had a sign-in sheet). They were polite, but it obviously was not their normal genre of music. I think Danita and I might have been the only people in attendance who didn’t have a formal relationship with the UMBC music department. The trio definitely deserved a larger and more appreciative audience.

Smith Island Cake (PB & Chocolate flavored)

Smith Island Cake (PB & Chocolate flavored)

As good as the concert was, I don’t want to overlook the dinner, which was also excellent. We went to the Catonsville Gourmet Restaurant the previous week, and we liked it so much we went back on Thursday. The food was still excellent. It included my first-ever taste of Smith Island cake. This is an 8-layer cake. The cake was a little dense and heavy, with plenty of icing between the layers. It was quite good.

Count Down Chain

Count Down Chain

Danita’s time at work is getting very short. The count-down chain no longer drapes over the door. The pic was for the last day of February. Now it doesn’t even loop back up to the door frame. It just limply hangs on the wall beside the door. Next week will be the last that she works 5 days. We have a road trip planned, then there’s some time off for Easter. Her two bosses are still acting like a deer caught in the headlights. There is a real possibility that Danita will retire before they even decide on a plan for how to organize the office after she leaves. Danita doesn’t mean to be an enabler, but she did give them an out of sorts. Her last day of work is March 31. But she has so much vacation that she will stay on the payroll for two months (keeping her employee medical for those two months). She told them that if they had an emergency, she would come in for a day (and not charge vacation).

Our last bit if news is that we are going to Russia in July. I kept on hearing news that the Ruble was down because of low oil prices. I looked it up, and it is down a lot. Recent historical norms had the Ruble at 30 to the dollar. Now it is 75. So we’re flying to St. Petersburg, staying there for several days, taking a river cruise to Moscow, staying in Moscow for a few days, then coming home. It will be a 2-week trip. St. Petersburg and Moscow are reputed to be two of the most expensive cities in the world. Our hotel rooms will cost less than an equivalent room would cost in Baltimore. How can we pass up this opportunity?

That’s the news for this week. I hope this finds everybody doing well.