
We had a week full of excitement. Maia’s birthday was Thursday. “We” (meaning Danita) picked out some small toys we thought she would enjoy. We didn’t expect a Fisher Price toy to be anoyingly noisy with no volume control. Sorry about that Mark & Jiajia.

Thursday is also the day I had lunch with Tony. We had been going to a First Watch that was about half way between us. It has become extremely noisy. Either that, or the noise is the same but we are less successful hearing each other. This month we decided to try a Panera which was right up the street. It was much easier to converse, but we were welcomed by a sign that said the Panera would be closing in a week or so. Fortunately, they are not closing, but moving to a new location two blocks away.

Sunday we heard the US Navy Sea Chanters.

Navy Sea Chanters

Rick and Suzy were in town and joined us for the concert. We’ve heard this group before and knew we would have an enjoyable concert. But those pants look rather uncomfortable. The sponsors of the concert asked us to check off how we heard about the concert. They had the usual assortment of sources – internet, newspaper, etc. I didn’t fill my sheet out because they didn’t include “wife”, which is how I knew about the concert. Afterwards we went to Stella Notte for a delightful dinner.

Rick, Suzy, Danita

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

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