It was a busy week. I offered a training class for a new person posting to our community website. Our Nissan went in for service. We had a new car charger installed. I visited the dentist. I visited the cardiologist. (He kept on saying “You’re looking good”. I guess he doesn’t get to say that very often.) But there was more than that.

Danita and I went up to Mark’s. Danita is staying to offer a week and a half of help. The ride up was slow, the ride home was a lot slower. There was traffic, there was rain, and I-83 was closed at York! It took 20 minutes to get around the closure. Maia is as cute as a button.

Rick is on his way back from South Carolina to Germany. He flew into Baltimore this morning and has most of the day waiting for his connecting flight to Germany. We visited Ft. McHenry and had dinner with Mom.