We had a wonderful tour of the Franklin Auto Museum. Franklin was one of hundreds of auto manufacturers that went through the depression but ended up failing shortly after. They manufactured cars from 1908 to 1930. One of their nicer exhibits was a room that showed the early progress of Franklin, and by extension the progress of the automotive industry. They went from a horseless carriage to something that looked like what we would call a car in just 15 years. The speed of change in those days was breathtaking.
Franklin cars had three hallmarks. They used air cooled, highly reliable engines. Our guide told us that some Franklin engines are still being used for industrial purposes. All of the museum’s cars still run. Franklin used aluminum where possible. This made the car much lighter than competitors. The third hallmark was an extremely high price, due to the cost of the aluminum. These cars are in almost perfect condition. They have driven cars to auto shows across the country, including Hershey Park. They have won top prize several times. Here is a picture of one of their later cars.

The museum is run from a house that is as interesting as the cars. This is an original adobe house in immaculate condition. The furniture was all purpose made for the house. Here are a couple of house shots.

This afternoon, we ate a famous local food: Sonoran Barbecue hotdogs. Then we visited the botanical gardens. Tonight we will visit the Dillinger Days Speakeasy.
I hope this finds everybody doing well.