Goodbye, Faithful Steed

I sold my bike. I rode that bike 18,000 miles and it still rides like a dream. It was a real workhorse. But I was riding the trike whenever I could. I finally got the panniers on the trike. It is far from perfect. It absolutely has to be improved. I don’t think the trike will be nearly the workhorse that my old bike was. But it is time to move forward.

I put the bike on Craig’s list Thursday. I figured there was a 50/50 chance somebody would see it and contact me sometime over the weekend. When I got up Friday, I had a dozen people asking to buy it. Everybody wanted to buy it sight unseen. Nobody was hem-hawing. The first person who contacted me wanted to pick it up right away, but Thursday is our dinner out night. I didn’t want to interfere with that. I made him wait until Friday.

Danita is finishing up the cleanout of Bud’s old apartment. She will finish packing up and bringing stuff home Monday. Then she has to call “800-get-junk” to get the last of the stuff out. Poor Bud is not enjoying his new apartment. He has said he is moving in with his parents, with is (deceased) sisters, etc. Unfortunately, he is no longer safe in independent living.

Mom’s apartment is almost done. A carpenter will take a couple of days to finish everything up. That will be one less thing for her to worry about. Her move is moving along. She has a Zoom appointment with a decorator (to discuss colors, appliances, and other stuff), and an in-home visit with a moving specialist (to discuss what to move, furniture layout, etc.) Mom has to fill out lots of forms, from financial information to how she wants her newsletter delivered. Unfortunately, her printer stopped working. I had been download forms to her computer and printing them out for her to complete. Then I would scan them and upload them to my computer. It was a wonderful system until the printer stopped working. Now we have to wait for the US Post Office to deliver things by mail.

This is biking weather and I’m taking advantage of it. Rides obviously get shorter during the winter. I have to do some re-conditioning this time of year. My goal was to be able to do a 40 mile ride with moderate hills. I met that goal last week. I have a shorter ride that I like because of the killer hills. I had to modify that route because my trike is not up to the most extreme hill on that ride. Oh, well. We all have to move on.

I hope this finds everybody doing well.

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