Goodbye San Diego

San Diego had unseasonably cool weather, followed by a good amount of rain. Sunday erased all that with a picture-perfect sunny warm day. On our drive out, we stopped at the zoo. The zoo is quite expensive. Normally we wouldn’t have stopped, but my lovely eagle-eyed bride found out that seniors were admitted free in February. That saved us $130, making the outrageous parking fee seem a bargain. We weren’t the only ones who decided to enjoy a beautiful day in a beautiful park to enjoy some beautiful weather and some amazing animals. By the time we left, cars were circling the parking lot looking for an open parking space. The park is immensely spacious, but the crowds were filling it up. The keystone exhibit is a tram ride through an area they call the African Plains. We took one look at the hour-and-a-half crowd of people waiting their turn for a ride and decided to enjoy the Plains from several overlooks. We very much enjoyed ourselves. There are a few pics below. You won’t have any trouble identifying the animals.

The rest of the day was taken up by our uneventful drive to Palm Desert. I’ll spare you pictures of the Interstate. ;-) I hope this finds everyone doing well.

Beautiful woman in a beautiful park

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