I am writing this on Friday, 3/15. There are 2 pics.

The trip down to Jul’s was one of the easiest we have had. It was sunny and cool, but not cold. The drive was without incident. One of our stops was Statesville, about an hour north of Jul’s. After buying gas, we walked downtown. They have an attractive city and some interesting architecture. They have one of the nicest looking community college I’ve seen. Here are a couple of buildings we saw. The house was divided up into rental apartments. I think it would have made a great B & B. I would have paid extra to sleep in the turret.

Statesville Building
We arrived about 4, just as Jul was pulling up with B & E. Our big activity was dinner, which turned out to be quite an adventure. Traffic to the Rusty Onion pizza parlor was heavy and slow. The restaurant was busy. Fortunately, a party of 6 was just finishing up as we arrived. They got us seated quickly. Danita was ready. She and Jul had the pizzas all picked out, and she had the waitress enter the pizza order before taking drink orders. It didn’t take long until we were all settled with food in our bellies. By the time we got home, it was bedtime for some household members.
Pat and Jul finally got through settlement on their old house. They’ve put looking for a new place into high gear. They have appointments to see 4 places today. I guess we’ll just have to come up with a way to entertain the kids while Mom and Dad are out.