This was a confusing couple of days. Both Australia and New Zeeland are very strict about how clean the hull has to be before they let the boat dock in their ports. Our ship’s hull was thoroughly cleaned before we got on. We had no trouble getting into Australia. The captain ordered another hull inspection while we were in port. The divers indicated that we might not be allowed in New Zeeland. They decided to skip Kangaroo Island and steam out to deep waters where we could drop our undesirable hull denizens. When we got there, the seas were too rough to do a hull cleaning. So we steamed back to Kangaroo Island for the afternoon.
We had an “Ocean Safari” trip booked for the morning, and planned to walk around the island in the afternoon. The morning excursion was changed to an afternoon excursion. We decided to decline the Ocean Safari in favor of our afternoon walkabout. We had a delightful time. We walked the sculpture trail. We got up close and personal with a wild Wallaby. And most importantly, we had a game of mini golf.
There’s only this one pic today. I hope this finds everybody doing well.