I’m writing this on Sunday,
We had fun visiting at Reed Manor. Here’s a pic of Elizabeth clowning around in the living room Thursday.
And here’s Bryon clowning around in the men’s room at the library Friday. (He liked the color of the stall walls.) They had an “Arthur” exhibit. We played around there for a while, then the library had a science hour. They had songs and stories. Then they sifted through ocean dirt to find small shells, bits of coral and fossilized poop. The best time was lunch. We went to Chick Fil A, which was OK. The good part was the play room afterwards. It got really good when a day care mom brought several kids and everybody started running around as screaming.
Saturday we included Jul and went to a nature center that houses the Carolina Raptor Center. The kids weren’t very interested in the birds. But they managed to have a good time running around and looking at everything except the birds.
The drive home was easier than normal, because it was Sunday. When taking I-81, the routing programs always suggest taking I-66 East to the DC beltway and around to I-95. Normally, this is a very bad idea and we take some back roads up to Frederick. It can take hours to move a few miles in the DC area. But since it was Sunday, we took the suggested route and got home a few minutes early.
We’re going to stay home the rest of the month. I hope this finds everybody doing well.