Just about all buildings in Santorini were destroyed by an earthquake in 1959. A few have never been repaired and are still for sale. I decided this would be a nice place to live. I’ll call the agent when we get home. Don’t tell Danita. I want to surprise her. I’m confident she will be very surprised.
We toured a few more villages on the island, then spent some time at a black sand beach. Santorini is certainly a beautiful island, but it also suffers greatly from overbuilding. All trash has to be compacted and shipped off island. Much of the water comes from desalinization plants and is not really fit to drink. The rest of the water and other utilities comes via under-the sea cables and pipes, or by boat. Santorini has plenty of arable land, but it’s mostly taken up by the tourist industry. It’s a beautiful place to visit, but it is facing some large challenges. Here are a few pics from the island.