I am writing this on Thursday, 9/26. There are no pics.
This is a short post. We are leaving tomorrow morning to visit The Reeds in NC. We will return sometime Monday afternoon. My next post will be sometime next week, and it just *might* have a few pics.
Last week I wrote about the steepest hill I know how to ride — when the road is dry, and how I don’t know how to ride it when the road is wet. That created a cloud in my mind. Today, I rode the hill (on dry roads). End of cloud.
Bud set his moving day. He will move on November 7. He his the furniture layout for his apartment. He knows what he’s taking and what he’s not. The planning people were incredibly helpful, but emotionally, it was a tough day for Bud. Having made these decisions makes the whole thing much more real.
I hope this finds everybody doing well.